We were so excited when our crew came back from the fall fashion shoot this summer for many reasons: the Cabaret-inspired lingerie, the rock-n-roll Seduction story and for the stunning shots you see here—totally impromptu photos our crew took after the day’s “real” shoot was done. It was a completely informal and off-the cuff affair, just everyone staying late because they wanted to put together something really unique and cool (lead stylist Allison provided many pieces from her own wardrobe!). But it all came out so beautifully, we decided to turn it into on online Fall Look Book for the season!
I asked Allison how she was inspired to create these fashion-forward looks and what the “guerilla” shoot was like.
1. How did you decide to do this photo shoot?
It started when I first saw the clothes. My mind was reeling with fun ways to pair lingerie with ready-to-wear pieces. I really think it’s very much our Freddy Girl’s style, and it’s one of my favorite ways to dress as well. We have beautiful, really cool lingerie! I think it should be SEEN! I also think that it’s the PERFECT way to go from DAY to NIGHT. Opening up a blouse or suit to reveal a bit of lace and cleavage after the conservative tone of the day is so sexy, and lets you leave your job at work!
2. What inspired you in putting these looks together?
I ALWAYS have our Freddy Girl in mind when I’m styling. She inspires me! I also follow fashion religiously and work to blend the two. My thought was to kind of create a “wardrobe” for our girl. What would she wear, and how would she wear it from day to day? I see the Freddy Girl as a real individual. I could see her pairing our Sequin Chemise with a boy’s white tank over our pleather leggings for a night out. I could see her pairing khaki green shorts with a flirty, feminine cami and some oversized sunglasses for Sunday brunch.
3. What do you think these looks will mean to the “Freddy Girl”?
Gosh… I hope it INSPIRES her! “Shop your closet,” as they say. Throw all your FAVORITE CLOTHES and LINGERIE on the bed. Then start mixing and matching. If you’ve got a favorite bra, corset or camisole, put it on FIRST. Then start the layering! You’ll be amazed at the combos you come up when everything is out in front of you—it will be like your own personal photo shoot!
4. What was the shoot like? How long did it take? You had already been shooting all day!
It was totally on the fly! I had some ideas of combos I wanted to play with as I was inspired by various pieces. The model and I would kind of ‘conspire’ to throw down some shots either during the lunch break or after the shoot. I really love getting the model’s input on how she wears our clothes. Models travel all over the world and really bring some great styling ideas into the mix. Plus, every girl’s personality is different!
It really was “guerilla shooting!” We have a very strict shoot schedule each day, so we’d sneak in what we could, where we could! At one point me, the model, Marie (makeup), Ted (photog), Ryan (tech) and two assistants were all crammed in the makeup room—a TINY space for so many people! It got so crowded that the model scooted up on top of the makeup table just to make some room. We LOVED the shot of her looking at her own reflection in the mirror—it was kind of “clubby”.
The challenge was that all of our reflections couldn’t be seen. So we were all practically laying down on the floor, conducting the whole shoot on our backs or stomachs. The model had to keep from laughing when she looked at us.
Also, since we’re in LA., a lot of our models are actors, too, and I love giving them a “role” to play! Jessiqa Pace is great about that. I can dress her, then just let her go. While we were shooting, I left little extras out for her like sunglasses or an extra jacket—and she just ran with them. It’s so much fun to be behind the camera and see what just happens!
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