Tom Brady reveals he’s not going to cut his hair any time soon. Drat. But are there other guys who can pull off the look?
We can blame Super Bowl winning quarterback Tom Brady.
We actually had a chance to chat with Fabio wannabe Brady last week at the Robin Hood Foundation Gala in New York . The NFL hottie told us he won’t be cutting his locks any time soon. His wife Gisele shook her head and laughed. We cried inside upon hearing this tragic hair news and it led us to a lengthy discussion on men and long hair. Is it ever okay? We reached out to some regular gals for their take on the trend.
So, why are Tom Brady’s long locks so unappealing?
“It’s a bad look for him because he’s not particularly mysterious.” Sarah Phelps, a 30-year-old corporate attorney, told us. She continues, “He’s a nice guy trying to rebel with long hair. Tim Riggins can pull it off. Tom Brady, not so much.”
We so agree and are delighted by the Friday Night Lights reference.
But there are exceptions to this rule. Nice guy Brad Pitt has dabbled in long locks several times throughout his career: as an emo vamp in Interview with a Vampire, a Greek god in Troy, and a brooding hunky woodsman in Legends of the Fall. The long hair is cheesy in Troy (much like the film?) but Brad and his luscious locks are utterly swoon-worthy in Legends...
Are you a fan of long hair on guys? Tell us what you think!
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