
Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Caramelized Honey Dijon Chicken.

I love it so much that I just showed you a bowl full of mustard. The things we do for love…

And I know I’ve kind of worn out chicken’s welcome this week. I don’t know what got in to me.

With Mr. How Sweet still recuperating, I think I was trying to cheer him up with multiple chicken dishes. Because honestly, he has driven me insane the last 14 days from his prison on the couch. In a loving way… of course.

Thank goodness he is back up and running.

Do you know the secret to perfectly golden chicken? You just need to make sure it is dry! It’s that easy. It’s so simple that I’m practically embarrassed to share.

You can really do anything you want with this too. Serve it with mashed potatoes, put it on skewers, eat it with your hands like Mr. How Sweet. Or throw it in a wrap like I did. Because everything is better in a wrap. Especially when cheese is involved.


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